Welcome to Submitnet Frequently Asked Questions

HTML stands for Hyper Text Mark-up Language. HTML is a computer language used to construct websites and is made up of a vocabulary of tags. Each HTML document is divided into the head section and body section. Meta tags are placed in the head section of the HTML document.
Example of Standard format of an HTML document:
<html> | ---marks and opens html document
<head> | ---opens the head section
</head> | ---closes head section
<body> | ---opens body section
</body> | ---closes body section
</html> | ---closes html document
What are META Tags?
Search engines use meta tags to gather information about your URL. Meta tags are not visible to visitors to your site. Meta tags and site content both play a role in search engine submission. There are several meta tags, but the most important for search engine indexing are the title, description and keywords tags.
The description tag provides the engine a synopsis of your site. The keywords tag provides terms for the search engine to associate with your page.
Not all search engines solely use meta tags for indexing sites. The text and content of your Web page will play a major role in how or if you will be ranked on a search
engine. Search engines often assign more weight to the text located at the top of a page than to the text
located in the middle or at the bottom of a page. If your page has a main graphic at the top, you should
place some descriptive text either underneath or beside the image. Adding a few keywords to the title tag
of your site, and adding your URL as a keyword will help.
Using www.submitnet.net as an example this is how meta tags should be formatted:
<TITLE>Submitnet - Web site Promotion, search engine optimization, site analysis tools, Internet marketing and Search Engine Placement.</TITLE>
<META NAME="revisit-after" CONTENT="30 Days">
<META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT="submitnet.net, Web site promotion, search engine placement, Web site
analysis tools, search engine optimization, Web site analysis, Web site submission, URL, search engine,
search engines, website, submit, Metatag,meta tags, promotion, free,internet, submitted, submission, Load
time,linkcheck, server check, internet marketing, increase traffic, URL, Analyze,online tools, website
tools, link checker, link verifier, HTML check, browser check, load time, submission software, software,
online software">
<META NAME="Description" CONTENT="Draw quality traffic to your Web site with one of the Submitnet turn key
Web site promotion programs. With in minutes you can have search engine optimization tools and Web site
analysis tools working to optimize your sites search engine placement.">
Notice the use of keywords in the <title> tag
Notice the use of the URL in the keywords tag
Search engines use this information in conjunction with the content your web page (HTML body) to establish keyword ratios. Basically if its in the content of the meta tags it should also be present in the HTML body of the page.
For more information on how to put meta tags in the html code of your URL click here.
For more information on how to optimize your URL for search engines, click here.