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How do I add META tags to my site using Microsoft Frontpage?
Microsoft Front Page and Submitnet

By using Submitnet's online tools in conjunction with Microsoft Frontpage you can optimize your site for search engines. First, use Submitnet's online tools to generate custom meta tags for your URL.

  1. Start by going to https://www.submitnet.net/login/default
  2. Log in to your Site Management Area
  3. Run the Submission Options tool
  4. Add a relevant site title, list of keywords and a description
  5. Click the Update button
  6. Run the meta tag generator.

Here are the steps to add Submitnet's custom meta tags to your URL using Microsoft Frontpage:

  1. Open Your page in Frontpage
  2. Click HTML view (HTML tab at bottom lefthand corner of document.)
  3. Copy the Submitnet custom meta tags from Meta Tag Generator.
  4.   note: Only copy the information between the head tags.
  Example (only copy and paste this part):
<Title>your title</Title>
<META Name="revisit-after" Content="30 Days">
<META Name="Description" Content="your description">
<META Name="Keywords" Content="keyword, keyword, keyword">
<META Name="Author" Content="your name">
  1. Open a Notepad window
  2. Paste the tags into the notepad window. Then copy the custom meta tags from the notepad window.
  3. In Frontpage, paste the Submitnet custom meta tags just under the opening <head> and before the <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 5.0">;

The final version will look similar to this:


  <Title>your title</Title>
<META Name="revisit-after" Content="30 Days">
<META Name="Description" Content="your description">
<META Name="Keywords" Content="keyword, keyword, keyword">
<META Name="Author" Content="your name">

<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 5.0">
<meta name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<title>New Page 1</title>

  1. Then save and re-upload your page.

To further optimize your site:

Here are the steps to add alt tags to the graphics of your page using Microsoft Frontpage. Alt tags serve many purposes. Alt tags provide text information that search engines can use to determine keyword ratios and place your URL accordingly.

  1. In Page view, right-click the graphic.
  2. Click Picture Properties on the shortcut menu.
  3. Click the General tab.
  4. In the Text box, under Alternative representations, type the text that describes the graphic. (Suggestion: Enter the text of your description tag, or a few keywords seperated by commas)
  5. Repeat on other graphics on your page. Add unique content to each graphic.
  6. Save and upload the page.

When you finish log in at https://www.submitnet.net/login/default and run the analysis tools again.
